Monday, August 23, 2010


Blue Lotus of Egypt
(Nymphaea Caerulea)

(Bird of Paradise)

A few months ago now I went through the Botanical gardens in Adelaide. I'm a it embarrassed to say that I've lived here now for over 7 years that I've never looked around the gardens. I was pleasantly surprised when I went there at the wonderful variety of flora that existed within.

It was a pleasant afternoon wandering around and getting to find out what was in there. I would like to have the chance to go there another time and look around more ... I'm sure that I missed seeing everything.
I never realised what a nice place it was. I sat in the rose garden for quite some time and even had a little nap while I was there. It was very relaxing. I started out to sit there and read my book, but being tired, as I usually am, I fell asleep .... but only briefly.

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