Wednesday, December 21, 2011


I watched this short film clip the other day and I found it very touching.  It is particularly pertinent during this Christmas time, the season of giving.  I hope you enjoy it.

Christmas is a time of joy and happiness.  It is a time when we all try to be a little kinder to one another.   It is a time when we enjoy buying gifts and giving them to one another.  In the world today we have people from many and varied denominations and of varying faiths and religious and spiritual practices.  I personally am a Christian and at this time of year I celebrate the birth of the Saviour, Jesus Christ.  To me he was the greatest gift that we have ever received.

His birth was a very humble one.  He wasn't born in a fancy hospital with all the modern conveniences that we are used to today.  He was born in a stable, surrounded by animals.  To me this makes his birth even more miraculous, and more wonderful.

I am so grateful for the wonderful gift that my Heavenly Father gave me, that of the Saviour.  I am grateful that he came to this earth and set such a wonderful example of love and sacrifice to us all.  He was the perfect example and showed us all how we should live our lives.  He taught us to give service and show charity to others.

I am grateful for the perfect example that he set.  His example has made me want to be a better person, to love others more, to forgive others more and to be a little kinder to all those around me.  I'm not perfect, but I'm striving to follow his example. 

My hope is that we will feel the spirit of Christmas not only at this time, but in our hearts always. 

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