Wednesday, January 14, 2009

*** GOOD NEWS ***

My twin sister was recently diagnosed with Epilepsy. Her first seizure happened at around 5am in the morning and was a pretty scary event for both her and her husband, considering the fact that she was fast asleep when it happened and she woke up with two ambulance officers standing over her trying to put an oxygen mask on her face. As a result for approximately the past 2 months she has been unable to drive. Very frustrating when you are used to being independent and getting around whenever you need to and want to. I guess we don't realise what it's like to lose the ability to do something until we have it taken away from us. We don't always appreciate what we have until we don't have it any more.

Interestingly we found out that in some cases if you get Epilepsy as a child, there is a chance that you will grow out of it. If you get it when you are an adult, unfortunately you have it for life, and the only solution is to find the right medication to keep the condition under control.

During that time she has been to see the neurologist and began a regime of medication to try and get the seizures under control. Medication #1 - caused her to come out in an all over body rash. Pretty ugly and not very pleasant. She had to stop that medication and start all over again. Medication #2 - the same story.....bodily rash and basically felt horrible. Then came medication #3 - finally, the right medication. IT WORKED!!

On Tuesday my sister went to see the neurologist again and after having another EEG was told that it was really good and that the medication was finally working. YES, FINALLY!!

Well the big question that my sister had for the neurologist was ......."so does that mean I can drive now?" Sadly, no :-{ ... It's too soon to start driving again for her. Sure, she was sad, but very grateful to know that the medication is working. Just quietly I am very very relieved.

She goes back to the Neurologist on the 9th of April and she will find out then if the next EEG is a good one and then she will probably be able to drive again. :-} So here's to the next round of tests, may they all be clear.

Have you ever thought about how your life can turn around in a moment? How you can go from being in one place to being in a totally different place in a matter of moments?

I guess between now and then it's just a waiting game.....and here's to my sister having a great reading at the next appointment and to hear the neurologist say ..... "you can drive again". I'm sure she'll be on top of the world.

1 comment:

Kris said...

So glad they found the right medication for her. The whole rash thing must have been dreadful!