Saturday, November 7, 2009


Day 28 - 31st October 2009
Skin leathered from the hot Australian sun.
Character born of hard work.
A work ethic born out of survival.
A true love of a craft developed over time.

This man is one of the most unique and wonderful men I have ever met.
Truly an inspiring man who has worked hard all his life.
A man who has been a wonderful father and husband to his family.
A man who was born in a time and an era when people knew what it was to work for everything that they needed, and only cared that they had the necessities of life.
A man who fought for his country......
A true Australian


This beautiful bird was just sitting on the clothesline, calmly watching all that was going on around it.
I expected that it would fly away, but it didn't.

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