Friday, December 7, 2012

Reverb 12 ..... Day 5

What was your dream destination in 2012 ?
{ It can be a town, city, country or region ... real or imaginary ... and doesn't matter if you actually got there or not }
Why not join in Reverb 12 and write about your dream destination ... click on the link at the right of my blog to be involved.

BUSY, BUSY, BUSY ...  I'm getting behind here, and I'm determined not to.  So now I'm playing catch up.

Beautiful Ireland ..... I've always dreamed of going there.  For years I've been looking for my long lost Irish relative, alas the search to this point has been in vain, but .  Maybe one day.....

There is just something about Ireland that is so, well Green, you could say.  I don't know what exactly it is that appeals to me so much.  

Perhaps it's the gorgeous lilting tone of their voice, the accent or even those little men in green suits.  Perhaps it's the other gorgeous men that have come out of Ireland know, the famous ones in the movies ... Pierce Brosnan, Liam Neeson, Collin Farrell, Gabriel Byrne. There is just something that I find so magical and mythical about Ireland.  

I'll go there one day .... to be sure, to be sure.....

Then there is my other favourite place, the Happiest Place on Earth..... Disneyland.  What can I say .. it's the favourite place of many who have entered at its front gates. 

Gotta love Mickey and Minnie, so cute and so full of happiness.

Both Ireland and Disneyland are places that I dream of visiting .... dreams that will one day become reality.

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