Thursday, February 19, 2009


Have just heard that my brother is in a bushfire area in Victoria, Australia at the moment.... he is packing everything up ready to evacuate. His wife and son have left and my brother will leave as soon as he has to. I found out at the same time that a good friends sister is also in the same area and she too is getting ready to evacuate.

The whole bushfire situation has been awful because it is near where I used to live and many people that I know have been affected by the fires. I have been keeping an eye on the fires because my brother and daughter are near them. My daughter is fine, but now I find out today that my brother is right in the middle of a flair up.

It is such a worrying time! At this point my brother is okay, but I'm praying that he gets out okay and that nothing happens. If you believe in prayer then please pray for my brother and his family and my friend's sister and her family. If not could you please send out good thoughts to them that they may be okay.

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