Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Reverb 12 ....... Day 18

What colour best represents the year you had in 2012 ?

What colour would you like to invited into your life in 2013?

Yellow .... for it represents - Happiness, optimism, joy idealism, imagination, hope sunshine, spirituality and inspiration.
(I'm picking out the good parts of yellow, not the negatives ... I refuse to deal in negatives)

Blue ..... I want 2013 to be a Blue year
Peace, tranquility, calm and beauty, harmony, unity, trust and truth, confidence, cleanliness and order.  With a little bit of white thrown in for good measure ....  for white is what you see when 

all colours come together 
in perfect balance ....


Debra said...

I love that your yellow and blue make my green. Our posts complement each other well. :)

anopensketchbook said...

I'll join you with a nice dose of blue this year! Sounds like the way to go!