Sunday, December 9, 2012

Reverb 12 ..... Day 8

Your most important relationship?
Considering the idea that nothing lasts forever: What was the most important relationship that you fostered in 2012?
How will you continue to nurture it in 2013?

Amy Lilian Cooper (my grandmother), Samantha & Nathan on the left
and on the right the other baby in her arms is my eldest daughter
Who comes up with these thought provoking questions ? ... love them and love the way they make me think.  So many of the questions that are in this challenge tie in with each other .... they blend together and could be answered in much the same way.

I'm with you Happy Mumma's Spot I know our most important relationships do last forever.  For some that is such a blessing, for others well they might think it's not such a good idea.  For the most part though I think having a good relationship with your family is so important and such a wonderful thing and I think a true blessing.

I don't do the relationship thing very well, at least not always.  But then none of us do everything well all the time.  I'm a loyal friend and will do anything for other people.  I want to have better relationships with people, but at times I become afraid and withdraw from people.  I don't mean to do it, but realise that I do it, often without thinking.  I think that comes from having a marriage relationship that didn't work out and in the ending of this relationship came the loss of someone who I thought was my best friend.  I realise in the end it's all about trust.  I'm learning to be more trusting though and I do have some friends that I trust a great deal. 

Me, oops the heads chopped off, and two of my sons
Christopher and Jason (oh he was so teeny tiny).
I have people in my family that I care about a great deal, but know that I don't always show them.  Those are the relationships that I need to nurture in 2013.  To become closer to my children and extended family and show them that I care about them.  I want to show them what I feel about them on the inside.  Don't know if I'll get the chance but I can work on it.  I think for the most part the most important relationship I've developed this year is the one I've developed with myself and who I am.

1 comment:

happymumma said...

:) Like it. Missing your post Aunty Leonie!